Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Preparing 4 our 2010 Relay For Life Fundraiser...

Were to begin, I am not really sure. For me Next to my Love for Jesus and family, Any and ALL spare time I have is spent on my cancer site that I INVITE you to please visit. Also my Dear Friend and parther, Maynard Stratton is a VERY tallented and compassionate person who designed this site, helped set up this BLOG and built a FREE tool bar that is designed totally for those you do NOT want gimmicks, just to find comfort and support.
The tool bar is FREE it has a chat room as well as video chat and if there is a time that anyone INDIVUADLLY, or some in a group, we can set up a meeting.
We each have a story to share, and if one person can reach out and help somebody else. Then I feel I have done something right. Now Your wandering where are these links, (lol to be honest I think Maynard put them on my Blog page but to be sure I will post at the end.)
Also IF you have FACEBOOK, please take a moment and become a fan of HOPE for a cure. Post your stories. I encourage you if you have ANY links of interest/youtube channels let us KNOW we will get them up to share with others. HOPE4ACURE on Facebook is a FRIENDLY page. If you on anyone you love is affected by a cancer or any severe illness, we urge you not only to join and leave us a note we will pray for you but share the videos that we put up as well as (and on FB fan page you will see this a LOT) SHARE SHARE SHARE.
To battle this beast we must unite and work together. No our site will take you actually to any place I have mentioned in fact you can click the click here to DONATE and go to the American Cancer Society site and donate. WE so badly need all of your help!
How are we preparing? I'll cover this breifly on the HOPEACURE fan page has lots of info about our 2 current fundraisers.
First on April 17th at the VFW in Hamilton, IL (Hancock County) from 11am - 6pm were are having a soup/sandwich supper as well as a CRAFT/BAKE Sale.
As you come in you put your name in a drawing and we have a LOT of doorprizes we will be giving out. Again there is a ton of info on the fan page. Our family has been working overtime making crafts, lining up what we will have as baked goods etc. BUT THIS I PROMISE you will find a HUGE variety of crafts and bake goods.
Our second thing is my 84 yr old mom has crocheted since I can remember and she makes beautiful cancer afghans that we sell raffle tickes for and soon there will be one on EBAY. ALL MONEY FROM BOTH EVENTS GOES to the Relay FOr Life. American Cancer Society.
Now I'll attempt the links... to our site: and to the HOPE4ACURE fan page go to :  Facebook fanpage-!/pages/HOPE4ACURE/390990013078?ref=ts
 Last n not least if you have ANY questions our TOLL FREE number is 1-888-901-4630. If I don't have the answer for you, Iwill do my best to find out.
God Bless You all. Brenda - KEEPING HOPE ALIVE

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