Hello, Where to begin. This year has been crazy and were only half way through. By now most of you know that I am fighting to KEEP HOPE ALIVE for people fight the beastly monster we call cancer. As we know its not picky as to who it attacks.
What is important is that we realize also is that cancer does NOT just affect the person who is diagnosed but it attacks everyone involved in thier life, other family menbers, friends, caregivers, co-workers, classmates, the list goes on and on.
While I can proudly say my 84 yr old mom and my sister Jenny are both survivors. (Mom twice) praise God, I can also say as a young girl I watched my little cousin Lisa fight ever so bravely w/leukemia and I sat with her just the night before she past painting. When it was time for me to go home, I gave her a kiss and siad I'd be back the next weekend to paint again as that had became mine n her time together. As I stood up (I still see her as plain as day saying this) Lisa said to me "Thanks for being with me today. I don't think I will see you next week, I'm pretty tired." I told her "oh sure you will see me, I'll be here no matter what." That night she drifted off to go to Heaven.
In my older yrs, 20s etc I lost 2 uncles to cancer. 2002 came around n My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, as she was in treatment 1 month to the day my older sister Jenny was also diagnosed with cancer. And a couple yrs later mom relapsed and was diagnosed this time with lung cancer. I am one of the lucky ones that can say she again beat the monster.
Then 2006, moms closest &favorite brother n my favorite Uncle Clyde was diagnosed with colon cancer. NOW one would think ok really, this family has had enough. Nope as my uncle battled colon cancer his wife my Aunt Jackie was diagnosed with breast cancer. Unfortunately Uncle Clyde lost his battle with colon cancer, however his wife Aunt Jackie was able to beat cancer and she is doing well.
Think the story ends there? NOPE also in 2006 our best friend Scott was reading to his 5 yr old son when he got a severe headache. He finally went to the ER, next thing we knew he was being life flighted away to a larger hospital. A CT had found a large brain tumor. To our sadness he was diagnosed with brain cancer that had metastisized to his lungs. Scott fought till the very end but we lost him about a yr after he was diagnosed.
Now to 2009, our Dear friend Mark, Mark thought he had an abcess tooth, so he kept taking antibiotics. By the time Mark went to the doctor he too had Brain Cancer that had spread to his lungs. He is going through treatment now and while he is weak he will be jjoining us this year as we walk in the Relay For Life.
My granddaughter Gabbie is one of our biggest fundraisers and she to is being impacted by cancer as she has a little girl in her school that has leukemia.
So in closing I am asking you, we walk JUNE 12th in RELAY FOR LIFE to #kickcancer. Could you be so kind to donate even as little as $10 for us to donate to the American Cancer Society.
Together we can beat this disease. Here is the ACS link to donate. I Pray that you will find it in your heart to donate. http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLFY10IL?team_id=555407&pg=team&fr_id=22164 I Pray you will find it in your heart to go donate.
Your donatin could save a life.
Thank You and God Bless.
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