Sunday, March 14, 2010

Craft time with my granddaughter for Relay for Life

Today is Satudray, March 14th.
This weekend began my craft making for fund Raising with my granddaughter Gabriele. Last year my then 83 yr old mom crocheted beautiful afghans what had hearts and cancer ribbons crocheted beautifully into the afghans. One was sold one ebay (all money we raise goes to the American Cancer Society-Relay For Life) one afghane myslef and my granddaughter set up displays at stores selling raffle tickets as well as just walking around with flyers.. In addition to that we had bake sales. Last yr for 2009 mom God bless her she was 83 did not understand about the as i was goint through her paperwork i find all this (did you know you can raise money using the internet?) flyer hid away...I took a deap sigh..and desided this year I was going to take on that task.

My granddaughter is soo soo proud when she raises money for her ggma (great grandma) thats what the li

l ones like to call her. As she is young she and I are doing plastic canvas cancer items this year. She (Gabbie) is so excited. Right now we started with lapen pins that can pin onto your jacket shirt etc we sit side by side so i can help her and she watches me. She laughed so hard today because gran (ME) I glued a lapel to my finger with a hot glue gun OUCH! Once we master this we will move to coasters, etc.

Me I also stepped into moms shoes this year and I joined her in crocheting and like me n my granddaughter, I sit beside my mother and she helps me along with the crocheting.
So you can see this truly is a family effort! I do have some HUGE important announcements to tell you about... first if you have facebook plz take time and become a fan of HOPE4ACURE It is my hope that ppl NOT only those affected by cancer but anyone with a health issue or loved one with a health problen can go to and find other people to talk to and offer support to one another. AS well a FREE toolbar nothing to sign up for, no gimmicks just medical info and ways to connect! I promise nothing hidde you have to accept or install extra. and lastly a web page which is

NOW I have to thank the person who helped make this all posible, His name is Maynard Stratton, on twitter he is @md4urpc his website is PLEASE take a moment to thank him because he did this ALL out of compassion and to help me Keep HOPE4ACURE alive, because I BELIEVE there is HOPE!

ONE last thing, ;ast but not least you can find us both on my channel is Brenda Northway and his is MD4URPC
check out and rate and comment on our videos.

So Thats what going on in my world right you can see very busy. Thanks for stopping by to read my blog. And I could not do any of this with out Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen
Untill my next blog God Bless and remember, there is HOPE4ACURE!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Blog, Be Blessed and thanks for blessing us.

    The Ministry Team of Surrender40
